viernes, 29 de abril de 2016

Hola amores... Mi Wpp: Aqui! 👇👇👇

In April the asked me out of my house, without permission and without notice, did only but always weight me more morals and I never did. I went to a party with my sister and in that party would be a colleague our work of which he was rather jealous, why never knew her since his fiancée now wife works with us also. That day the came at night and told me that I would be talking that at no time I burst into the cell. My sister suspect that the person who I marked was nothing more than him and made a scandal to me to tell me that he was an old man who saw an opportunity to someone younger and more naive and was knowingly exploit very well. I didn't want to doubt me loved at that moment but something inside me caused a noise, because my very dear sister told him.

lunes, 25 de abril de 2016


El metabolismo es el conjunto de procesos físicos y químicos y las reacciones que está sometido a una célula; estos son los que les permiten a sus actividades principales, como la reproducción, el crecimiento, el mantenimiento de sus estructuras y la respuesta a los estímulos que reciben.

El funcionamiento metabólico se debe a dos procesos diferentes pero que están acoplados y son dependientes entre sí. El catabolismo que se encarga de la liberación de energía, mientras que el otro proceso, el anabólico utilizar esta energía para recomponer enlaces químicos y construir otros componentes de las células, tales como proteínas y ácidos nucleicos.